Thursday, September 4, 2008

On running

I am running another 10K this weekend. I am a litle nervous about it since I have not trained as hard as I did for the first one I ran back in July. I'm kind of just doing this for fun, to keep me psyched about running in a race and just running alone.

Some people like crafts, scrapbooking, collectings stuff, traveling, etc. I decided that this is my thing. It works for me and the girls. I don't have to pay for it, except for entering the races, I don't have to spend gas in order to get there, as opposed to going to a gym, or pay for a gym membership, I don't have to leave my babies or get a babysitter, it is entretaining for them as well as we often stop by the park, even Tank is benefited from it! He loves going on a run! I'm setting a good example for my kiddos, it keeps me healthy, it's even kind of therapeutic (if that's how that's spelled) and on, and on. Yeap, I've decided that this is my things.

I don't have any other things where I can escape to just get away, except for this. I don't obsess about buying shoes, or decorating my house, or going to the Spa. This is my thing. I'm a runner!

I have had a couple of persons try to deminish what I do, saying "Oh running is for crazy people! Who runs without having somewhere to get to?" or someone else asked "So do you run or do you just jog" I said, I don't know, I regularly do 10 mins per mile, I'd like to think I'm running" "Oh so you just jog" was their reply. Well, I guess I do. I'd like to see you jog for at least 5 mins! I thought. Oops! Did I just say that out loud, ha-ha!

It is also funny that people ask me if I'm sick, or tell me that I'm skinny just because of the fact that I have slimmed down some. It makes me wonder if they have ever seen someone sick or skinny. I don't think I look like any of those two things.

Anyway, I run for me, the most importan reason of all.
