Friday, October 24, 2008

Thursday's Night Out.

Last night we were able to spend and evening together with Daddy. He's so busy, we don't get many chances to do a lot of things as a family, except for going to church on Sundays. Yesterday he took the day off from his church calling and decided we'd go do something with the girls instead. We all really needed it. The Tabernacle Choir rehearsals are Thursday nights, so we thought we'd go see Grandma Kelli! The girls have never heard or seen her sing live. We record every Sunday's Broadcast and watch it before or after church, and that so far, had been the only times they get to see her. Naomi even looks for Grandma's face in the TV, she's actually pretty good at finding her and Ncoyo (sorry, I'm sure I'm spelling it wrong).

So we told Naomi, we'd go see grandma Kelli and she was really excited and looked forward to it all day long. The Choir is amazing! The only times the girls would sit still was every time they Choir would start singing, and then they would smile and clap when everybody else would start clapping to. We kept pointing Grandma Kelli to Naomi, and telling her where she was, but I'm not sure she ever found her. Then Grandma finally spotted us and very discreetly gave us a little wave. "I see her papi!" That's what Naomi said.

We didn't stay long, we were there for maybe 30 mins and then decided to head back. Jocie has had a runny nose for the past couple of days and wasn't feeling very well, but we finally got the girls to see Grandma Kelli sing live! Naomi woke up this morning talking about it- "Papi, grandma Kelli was singing"

Grandma is a very talented woman. She does everything from baking, crocheting, quilting, sewing, singing, playing the piano, scrap booking, to genealogy, and on and on. Did I mention she has a PhD? I told you she was talented! I only hope I'm doing enough to help my kids appreciate her and love and learn from this amazing woman. We love Grandma Kelli!

On a funny note. Yesterday on our way to Temple Square Naomi spotted a motorcycle driving next to us and after letting us know that there was a motorcycle she continued to say- "I want to ride in a motorcycle!" I had to think about it for a few seconds and then asked Aaron -"Did she just say she wants to ride a motorcycle?" We both just looked at each other and laughed. Who know were she got that one from. I think we are in big trouble!
