There she is, at the very top!
On Wednesday we made our way to the airport at about 8 AM. Her fligth would be coming in at 9AM, so we waited with much anticipation and excitement. Some other missionaries also got there a little before 9AM, so we got all excited thinking that she'd be with them, but no, it wasn't her group. Then her flight finally got there, a group of about 10 missionaries all coming home at the same time, they were letting them come down one by one, it was torture! And yes, you've guessed it, she was one of the last ones! So the excitement just kept building up until she finally made it out. We jumped and screamed and ran to her, all the women that is. My dad and brother and husband all stayed behind and out of the commotion. It was a very happy reunion!
Later that day, after we'd all calmed down, she had a interview with the Stake President and she was also released. She was very sad and tried very hard to hold back the tears as she took her tag off, I was even sad for her. Saturday, during her homecoming dinner we watched a slideshow that Aaron made for her with pictures and videos of her mission. She had handed Aaron all of her memory cards and picture CD's she didn't really know what was going to be in there. Aaron found this really funny video of her and her companion singing and dancing to some gospel music, she was shocked to see that it'd made it into the slideshow, everyone thought it was funny. I should try to post it here later. Then on Sunday, my parents talked during sacrament meeting and then she gave a sweet report. There were so many things she said I wanted to write them down, yes it was one of those talks, but then again I didn't want to miss anything if I did. Wow! She has learned and experienced a lot. I'm so happy for her and very proud of my little sister.
We've been trying to keep her busy, so she won't have time to miss her mission. Thursday my family came to see me at the race. My sister ran in the side line for the last block or so trying to record me and then she was there with water helping me out (thanks Areli!) Then we stayed for the parade. My sisters and brother went back later that night to watch the fireworks. Monday, we went shoe shopping and then headed to IKEA, she needed a bookshelf for the new collection of book she has acquired during her mission. Today we are going downtown. My mom's got this week off from work so we'll try to keep busy before she has to go back to work.
It's good having my sister back. My younger brother and sisters all need her good example at home. But I think my mom needed her back more than anyone else in the house. We are all happy to have her back.