Thursday, December 4, 2008

Two nights ago Aaron came home from school after the girls had gone to bed and didn't get to see them. The next morning he had to leave the house earlier than usual and again did not get to see the girls. But Naomi woke up excited to see daddy and ran into our room to wake him up, only he wasn't there anymore. So she asked:

Naomi: Where's daddy?
Mami: He had to go to school early to take a test
Naomi: Oh. I'm hungry. I want some banana bread!
(mami and babies walk over to the kitchen)
Mami: It's all gone. I think daddy ate it.
Naomi: It's ok, we can make some more.
...and we did.

Later that night Aaron came home and both girls were now in bed. He walked straight in there to say Hi to his already sleeping babies. Naomi must have been waiting for him because she was right awake. He kneeled next to her bed and gave her kisses, then had a little nice converstation which started some what like this:

"Daddy, why did you eat all the banana bread?" It was important for her to know. She then told him all about our day, the bread that we baked, our trip to the park, the books we read and Aaron a very tired daddy, sat there and listened. I have a feeling it was his favorite part of his last couple of days.
