I have been away in a land of vampires and werewolves all week long, hence my absence from the blogging world. Yep, I have fallen in love with the Twilight series. It all started with the movie everyone seemed to be talking about, I finally caved in and went to see it as soon as I got the chance, and an accomplice to back me up, Aaron would not have watched any other way, ( thanks Julieta and Skyler!)
I knew there was more to the story and I just wanted to know. I thought would have it the easy way and ask my youngest sister, Itza, the book aficionado in our family, to tell me what happens, she wouldn't budget, but happily offered to let m barrow the book (New Moon) I have never, ever, read a book (a novel), or even come close to have the desire to do so, but somehow I just devoured this one in less than one week, I just could not put it down and used every spare minute I had towards reading it. I just got started with "Eclipse" last night, but I have decided to take it slow, I do not want to run out of twilight books to read too soon.