Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Our Beloved Prophet

President Hinckley passed away on Sunday January 27. We were a little sad when we heard the news confirm what we had read through text message. It was more like mixed feelings, we weren't crying as anyone would when someone as great and dear like Pres. Hinckley dies. We were somehow glad that his body was now at rest and happy that he finally was able to reunite with his sweet wife. As Latter-Day Saints we know that dieing is only part of the plan, but not to worry because one day we will be with our family once again, and hopefully with Heavenly Father and our Savior and brother Jesus Christ. My sister Areli, who is now serving a mission, wrote yesterday and said something that I had not thought about. She said that Pres. Hinckley's is now resting, but that in reality his spirit is not resting at all, that he must have gone to work right away in the spirit world because there is a lot of work to do there too. D&C 138:35-48, 56-57. I am going to miss seeing him at General Conference, and listening to his wise words and counsel. I know he was a man called of God and I feel blessed to have had the chance to be part of the generation that got to see the great works given to him by the Lord and benefited from his words and counsel in this last dipensation. I know I sometimes wonder how it must have been to have lived during the time of Joseph Smith or Moses, or Abraham. I know that in the future there will be people who will say "I wonder how it was to live in the time of Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley?" and I will be honored to be able to say I was there.
