The weather could not have been any better for a little exploration through the Red Butter Gardens and a picnic at the Sugar House Park. Sharing it with our friends made it even better.
At the Red Butte Gardens they played in the children's garden. Then winded through the gardens to the "Secret Garden" where we found a Geocache, and of course a creek! So throwing pebbles in it was in order. Then onto the fish pond and then the Rose Garden. Here they first staged a dance performance that developed into a play about ninja warriors and their grass blade swords. We left to make it on time to their swimming lesson, which made them really hungry so a picnic at the park only made sense.
Once all fueled up, they somehow found their way onto, yes, the creek and enjoyed throwing some more pebbles into the water. Seems like it's becoming a theme for them these days. They are just so attracted to water, and I don't mind. They can throw pebbles into that creek to their little heart's content.
Then that hill in the distance must have seem so very tempting. They followed each other until they all made it all the way up, even little Ry.
These kids have energy that would outdo the little energizer bunny, any day, hands down!
I love to see them at play. I love to see their little imagination going, and their little, but strong, legs carrying them to wherever they want to go- even little Ry's, who struggles, but does a pretty good job at keeping up.
Wish It was summer every day...or not but three months will do ;)
Must. Keep. Up!
Warm, overcast days are our favorite.
Because she can.