The cross training isn't going good. I have practically not made any of them. I have been running and will be taking Christmas week off and then resume running the week after Christmas kicking off our Marathon training schedule!
I am hoping Santa will register me for the race (wink-wink, nudge-nudge), then I will be a happy girl Christmas morning.
Anyway, enough of that!
We are enjoying this season I think more this year than the previous years since we started our little family. We are at a place where things seem to be a little bit less chaotic in a sense, well at least it feels that way for me being an off pregnancy-baby-caring year, no potty training or caring a diaper bag and a stroller around with me every where I go, yes Jocie gets to walk a lot and if she gets tired I can carry her for a few minutes, I rather this than carrying a stroller. I like to keep things simple, so simple that when my make up bag went missing I decided not to buy anymore make up, one less thing for me to worry about! Maybe when Naomi is dressing herself I will take back make then I might be pregnant again.... so never mind. Same thing with my cell phone, after it magically disappeared and didn't show up for weeks I opted not to buy a new one and connected our land line instead, no calls while driving and no frantic searches for the cell phone because baby miss placed it for the hundred time. did I go off about that when I inteded for this to be a recap of our holiday season? I think I need to blog more often.
Anyway here's what we have been up to:The girls get so excited to see snow fall and they can hardly wait to go outside and play. It takes for ever to dress them up , but it's worth it at the end they love it and have so much fun in it, makes me wish I was a kid again.
We set up our Christmas tree the morning after thansgiving. I wish I had taken more picture, but I was busy helping the girls, this was the part when Aaron stepped in.
We spent Thanksgiving with both our families. In the morning we went over to my parents and helped with the cooking and then headed over to Aaron's family's to help with the eating :)
This is Aaron's twin brother Joel. Jocie loved going around the room taking picture with everyone. She is such a poser. CHEESE!
This is Aaron's older brother. Jocie insited to take a picture with him too.
Here we are, the night after Thanksgiving at Temple Square for the lighting on of the Christmas lights. We rode trax and got there late and did not see them all go on at the same time, but it was nice anyway. The girls loved all the lights. Jocie kept pointing and saying "I see more, I see more!" that is lights.
And last but not least I took the girls for a visit with Santa. Naomi is so excited about the whole Santa deal this year. Aaron has taken advantage of that and has been bribing her with the whole naughty and nice list. He tells her he has his number and is going to call him when she is acting up, she cries uncontrollably. Aaron thinks it's funny, I think it's cruel. Anyway, we got there and Naomi went off about her Christmas list, Jocie did not know what to do, she wasn't so sure about sitting on his lap. I think she would have cried have I not jumped in to tell her he was going to bring her a new tea party set for Christmas. Still she wasn't sure. You can tell in this picture.
The girls are excited about Christmas morning. Naomi wants to bake cookies to leave for Santa. Aaron and I are excited about the tamales we get to make and eat! Haha! and of course ecxited to get to see our little ones on Christmas morning. I think Christmas gains it's magic back from when you were a kid after having your own children.
Hope you are all having a wonderful Season. Feliz Navidad!