Wednesday, August 19, 2009

6 years

Last week on the 15th was our 6th year anniversary. I have to admit that when it comes to dates I usually leave the planning to Aaron. He plans, I find a babysitter. This time was no different. A couple of days before we agreed that he would plan something, and he did. Only we woke up to lightening, thunder and rain and his plan went down the drain. He had planned hiking up to a waterfall. I don't know which one, so he'll have to take me another day. With that, we were left with no plan. We put our heads together (more like we went searching the internet for date ideas) and came up with Geo-caching. We had both wanting to do this for a while, just never got to it. We headed to Memory Grove park, and found a couple ones just right off the trail. One of them was made by a mother who lost her 4 year old son to cancer. She explains that hiking down to memory park from one of the streets above was one of her sons favorite things to do. He'd pick up rocks on his way down and would throw them in the pond there at the park. He would listen to the noise the rock would make as it hit the water, and would then put it into a "plop" or "ploop" category. The woman asks that you take the same hike all the way down to the pond and take a rock with you, and put one into the cache box. It was very touching to know something so personal to someone out there. I felt honored to throw in a rock for this little angel. I hope he enjoyed listening to it hit the water.

After that we went back home and rode trax downtown to the Gateway where we watched two movies, HA! Yes, two movies. The time traveler's wife was great, ask Aaron, he even got teary eyed. District 9 was horrible, don't watch it, such a waste of time and money. We then did a little shopping, had dinner and then picked up dessert at the rocky mountain chocholate factory and headed back home. We had a great, relaxing day. Could not have asked for anything else.

I love my hubby, we have both grown during the past 6 years and even though we have had or ups and downs, we still love each other, more as time passes, and that is the truth.
