Monday, December 8, 2014

Mommy guess what?

Ryan: Mommy guess what?....Don't say chicken butt.
Me: Ok, I won't. What?
Ryan: I have a snake..
Me: You do!?
Ryan: Yes, it's an orange one.
Me: Orange is your favorite color , right? Will it bite me?
Ryan: Yes, it's a dangerous one. It's outside. It will be here in a minute.
Me: Should I be scared?
Ryan: No, it's not scary. It's nice.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Naomi's Baptism Pictures

I've been meaning to post Naomi's Baptism pictures. She looks so beautiful, it would be a shame for not to share. I will write about her big day later, but for now here are some pictures of my beautiful baby girl at the Temple grounds in her white baptism dress.
