Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bedtime battles

Every night Jocie and I have a little bedtime battle where she wants me to stay and sleep with her. She is turning 4 in less than a month and she still wants her mommy to sleep with.  She has tried it all to get to me stay. One of her favorite quotes to use in her efforts to convince me to stay is: " No te vayas mami, quedate conmigo!" ( "Don't leave me mom, stay with me!") in a very compelling tone of voice. She used a  a new strategy tonight that took me by surprise, I didn't know where she was going with it at the beginning, I almost fell for it. It went like this:

Jocie: "Mami, you did a lot of things today"
Mom: "Yes, we did"
Jocie: " You had a long day mami"
Mom: "Yes, mami had a long day"
Jocie: "You need to rest mom, you need to sleep."
*** At this point she almost had me convinced***

This little girl keeps getting trickier and trickier to slip away from at bed time. I love her.
