Tuesday, July 2, 2013


We started off the Summer with a very ambitious goal of going on a hike every week on Fridays. So far it's has only worked ONCE. The one  place we have been to is called Ghost Falls at the Corner Canyons in Draper. After getting lost for about 45 mins, we finally found the right trail which we hiked on for  about another hour and a half to get to the falls.The weather was great, in the higher 80's, and the girls impressed me with how well they did.They get better every year. There was a little whining but they stuck it up and kept walking with a promise of a frozen yogurt treat on the way home- Everyone can use a little motivation, right?  Ry-guy did awesome and just took it all in, even took a little nap towards the end. If you are ever up there watch for rattle snakes, my sister and Jojo actually heard one and run for their dear lives.

 Here are a few pictures from the girls' point of view- I took a camera to keep their minds busy during the hike, it helped a LOT. 

 Getting started.

 Pretty Flowers.

 The girls thought this boulder looked like a turtle. I think it looks like a dinosaur.

 Pretty good shot!


You can definitely tell a short little person took this one.
